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[속보] 팬데믹 중 조지아 GDP 1.7% 감소

데이터 분석업체 24/7월스트리트의 연구에 따르면 조지아의 국내총생산(GDP)이 2019년 3분기부터 2020년 3분기까지 1.7% 감소했습니다.

이는 국내 50개 주 중 8위에 이르는 긍정적 경제 성과입니다.

경제분석국의 데이터에 따르면 같은 기간 미국의 경제 산출규모는 2.8% 감소했으며, 오직 유타, 워싱턴, 아이다호주만이 경제 성장을 보였습니다.

이 기간 중 조지아에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 산업은 유틸리티였으며, 가장 빠르게 쇠퇴한 산업은 예술, 엔터테인먼트와 레크레이션이었습니다.

작년 11월 기준 조지아의 실업률은 5.7%였습니다.

팬데믹으로 가장 큰 타격을 받은 주는 에너지 자원 추출, 식품 서비스, 숙박, 예술, 엔터테인먼트와 레크레이션 등 산업에 크게 의존하는 경향이 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.

팬데믹으로 인해 대부분의 주는 수만개 일자리를 잃었으며, 실업률이 상승했습니다.

ARK뉴스 박세나입니다.


Rank State 1-year GDP Change Fastest-Growing Industry Fastest-Shrinking Industry November 2020 Jobless Rate
1 Utah 1.1% Construction Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.3%
2 Washington 0.5% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.0%
3 Idaho 0.1% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.8%
4 Arizona -0.1% Management of companies Arts, entertainment and recreation 7.8%
5 Colorado -1.4% Information Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.4%
6 Iowa -1.4% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 3.6%
7 South Dakota -1.5% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 3.5%
8 Georgia -1.7% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.7%
9 North Carolina -1.7% Finance and insurance Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.2%
10 Arkansas -1.8% Utilities Accommodation and food services 6.2%
11 Alabama -1.8% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.4%
12 Indiana -1.9% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.0%
13 Mississippi -1.9% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.4%
14 Oregon -1.9% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.0%
15 Maryland -1.9% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.8%
16 Kansas -1.9% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.6%
17 Florida -2.0% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.4%
18 Nebraska -2.0% Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas Arts, entertainment and recreation 3.1%
19 Virginia -2.0% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.9%
20 California -2.1% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 8.2%
21 Kentucky -2.6% Utilities Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas 5.6%
22 Delaware -2.7% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.1%
23 Missouri -2.7% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.4%
24 Minnesota -2.8% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.4%
25 Montana -2.8% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.9%
26 Wisconsin -2.9% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.0%
27 Rhode Island -2.9% Finance and insurance Arts, entertainment and recreation 7.3%
28 Illinois -3.0% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.9%
29 South Carolina -3.1% Finance and insurance Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.4%
30 Ohio -3.2% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.7%
31 Connecticut -3.3% Information Arts, entertainment and recreation 8.2%
32 Massachusetts -3.3% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.7%
33 Maine -3.4% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.0%
34 North Dakota -3.4% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 4.5%
35 Texas -3.4% Finance and insurance Arts, entertainment and recreation 8.1%
36 New Jersey -3.5% Information Arts, entertainment and recreation 10.2%
37 New Hampshire -3.6% Finance and insurance Arts, entertainment and recreation 3.8%
38 Nevada -3.7% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 10.1%
39 New Mexico -3.7% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 7.5%
40 Pennsylvania -3.9% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.6%
41 Vermont -4.3% Management of companies Arts, entertainment and recreation 3.1%
42 Tennessee -4.3% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 5.3%
43 Michigan -4.4% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Arts, entertainment and recreation 6.9%
44 Alaska -4.9% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 8.1%
45 Louisiana -5.0% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 8.3%
46 West Virginia -5.0% Utilities Accommodation and food services 6.2%
47 New York -5.8% Information Arts, entertainment and recreation 8.4%
48 Oklahoma -6.3% Management of companies Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas 5.9%
49 Wyoming -7.9% Utilities Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 5.1%
50 Hawaii -8.2% Utilities Arts, entertainment and recreation 10.1%

50개주 경제 성장 비교표/출처: 24/7 Wall St.

조지아 애틀랜타의 스카이라인/사진: Metro Creative


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Sena Park

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FM96.7 / AM790
애틀랜타 라디오코리아

애틀랜타 라디오 코리아는 LA, 시카고, 버지니아, 애틀랜타를 연결하는 미주 라디오 네트워크를 통해 발빠른 미주 소식을 전달해드립니다.

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