#1 굳모닝 애틀랜타
여러분의 모든 아침이 굿모닝~이 되도록
아침 10시, 따듯한 커피와 함께 당신을 만납니다.
굿모닝 애틀랜타

여러분의 모든 아침이 굿모닝~이 되도록

굿모닝 애틀랜타

아침 10시, 따듯한 커피와 함께
당신을 만납니다.

진행: 김영희
일시: 월-금 오전10:00 – 11:00

시청자 참여게시판

080521 <목요코너-사라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다

ARK 김소영
2021-08-05 09:23

1. 귀넷 카운티 내 ESL 클래스들

** Gwinnett County Public Library – Let’s Talk • 770-978-5154 • free to community • no registration required • Check Gwinnett County Library website for locations, dates, hours.


** FREE Online ESL Courses:


2. 귀넷 도서관에서 배울수 있는 영어, 스페니쉬, 베트남어 

English in your language which is offered to customers learning English and they are able to learn from someone who speaks their native language.  Currently this is taught in different sessions by staff members who speak Spanish, Korean, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Japanese

Let’s Talk which is relaxed event at which customers who do not speak English as their first language have the opportunity to practice their English conversation skills.  There are open to any and all customers who are working to learn English

Hello! Hola! which is a program designed to help customers learn basic Spanish.  A staff member presents the class in a bilingual format so it is easy for new Spanish speakers to understand

Hello! Xin Chao! which is a program designed to help customer learn basic Vietnamese.  A staff member presents the class in a bilingual format so it is easy for new Vietnamese speakers to understand.

For additional information or questions please call 770-978-5154

*** 중국어 

1) ACCA Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy

토요일 좐스크릭 일요일 알파레타

에모리대학, 캅카운티 마리에타 총 4개의 캠퍼스

50여명의 선생님 1200명의 학생들을 자랑하는 28년된 학교 

2) CCS Chinese Cultural School
8/7 오픈하우스 둘루스 하이스쿨 

Chinese Cultural School (CCS) is having an OPEN HOUSE this Saturday, August 7th from 10am-12pm.

^^ 이상 사라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활이였습니다~
Total 93
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