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사우스 케롤라이나 프레스 기사 모집 Metal Stamping process (Manager Level)

In2U Recruiter
2021-03-17 11:02
Expertise in Metal Stamping process (Manager Level)

A growing and profitable Home appliance Supplier in Prosperity, South Carolina Area is in need of a Production Manager.  Metal Stamping Expertise is Required. This is a Full Time, Permanent, Direct Hire Position offering Competitive Compensation, Good Benefits, Paid Holidays and Vacation. A Relocation Package is Available.

이력서는 chrisy@in2uhr.com 으로 제출


Responsible for managing and executing the daily operations of the Stamping Press Department including Production and Tooling Departments.
  1. Responsible to achieve targets for SQDCM in press shops operations.
    2. Leads both production and tooling departments.
    3. Provides overall employee/team development strategies through training, coaching, counseling, and performance measurement.
    4. Leads daily production meetings to communicate production goals and provide feedback on overall team performance.
    5. Evaluates employee areas of improvement and implements strategies relating to employee development.
    6. Provides overall employee/team development strategies through training, coaching, counseling, and performance measurement.
    7. Establishes targets for future improvements and manages roadmap to achievement of those targets.
    8. Other related activities as related to the scope of the position.


Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Related Field

Eight to ten years of experience.

Knowledge in production management, operation, strategic planning, resource allocation, leadership technique, production method, real time operations management and coordination of people and resources, scheduling, material handling, and forecast.

Knowledge and experience in ABB Robotics are a plus.

Korean Bilingual A MUST
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