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(둘루스) 보험 에이전씨에서 함께 하실분 구합니다.

Lucy Lee
2022-10-07 21:20
둘루스 에 위치한 보험 에이전씨에서 함께 하실분 구합니다.
이중언어 가능하신분.
보험 경력은 없으셔도 무관하며 미국내 취업결격 사유가 없으신분으로
관심 있으신 분은 이메일로 이력서 보내주세요. lucy.lee@psaig.com

Position: Agent Support Staff/ Customer Service
Office Hours: 9-5. Mon-Fri

*Bilingual fluency in Korean and English
*Excellent phone etiquette
*Self-motivated and people-oriented; enjoys interacting with others
*Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook

Job description: This is an entry-level, and it begins with various administrative and clerical tasks. The Administrative Support position will assist in data entry, phone/customer service, and support account managers and licensed agents with various office tasks.
For interested applicants, Please send your resume to:  lucy.lee@psaig.com
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