#1 굳모닝 애틀랜타
여러분의 모든 아침이 굿모닝~이 되도록
아침 10시, 따듯한 커피와 함께 당신을 만납니다.
굿모닝 애틀랜타

여러분의 모든 아침이 굿모닝~이 되도록

굿모닝 애틀랜타

아침 10시, 따듯한 커피와 함께
당신을 만납니다.

진행: 김영희
일시: 월-금 오전10:00 – 11:00

시청자 참여게시판

012722 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다.

ARK 김소영
2022-01-27 11:18
1. 귀넷 카운티 보건 정보 핫라인                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    770-995-3339, http://www.gwinnettcoalition.org
211 (United Way) – Seek Assistance in Gwinnett County

2.  장애인 서비스

Creative Enterprises: 770-962-3908, www.ceisite.com
Hi-Hope Service Center: 770-963-0038, www.hihopecenter.org
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children: 770-491-9014, www.fodac.org
Office of Disability Services Ombudsman: 404-656-4261, https://dso.georgia.gov/

3. 특별 보건 서비스
    • CPACS Cosmo Health Center 770-446-0929 Service: Primary Care, Behavior health, Family Planning and Immigration Service, Asian Language Services
      6185 Buford Hwy # G100, Norcross, GA 30071
    • Good Samaritan Health Center 678-280-6630  770-806-0162 Service: Provides quality and affordable primary healthcare and dental services.
      West Center: 5949 Buford Hwy., Norcross, GA 30071
      East Center: 1175 Commercial Court, Norcross, GA 30093
    • Latin American Association Gwinnett Outreach Center 678-205-1018 Service: Financial Assistance, Aging and Disability Information and Referral Program, Latino Basic Need Program, Victims of Violence, Public Benefit Enrolment, Translation, Adult Education, Immigration and youth services.
      Hours of Operation: M-F 8:30AM – 5PM
      308N Clayton ST, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
  • Obria Prenatal Care Project 770-338-1680 Service: Provides professional medical consultations, well woman care, pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, STD testing and treatment, prenatal care and health education and referals.
    565 Old Norcross Rd #200, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
  • Viewpoint Health Services 678-209-2411 or 800-715-4225 after hour Service: For behavior health, mental health, developmental disabilities, alcohol and substance use. Accepts uninsured, underinsured, evaluations, treatment crisis and chronic.
    175 Gwinnett Drive, Ste. 260 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 (Administrative Office)
3. <월마트 헬스 케어>

Walmart Health Suwanee 678-288-3768
Service: Medical, Dental, Counseling, and Audiological services at affordable prices,
with or without insurance.
3245 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd, Suite 100 Suwanee, GA 30024

4. <귀넷 보건부 산하 보건소>

  • District Office 770 -339 –4260 *Administrative Service only
    2570 Riverside Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 30046
    Hours of Operation M – F: 8AM – 5:00PM
  • Adolescent Health Program Meadowcreek High School 4455 Steve Reynolds Blvd Norcross, GA 30093
    Hours of Operation Follows school schedule & hours
  • Buford Health Center 770 -614 –2401
    2755 Swanee Ave Buford, GA 30518
    Hours of Operation M-Th : 8AM – 5PM F: 8AM – 3PM
  • Norcross Health Center 770 -638 -5700
    5030 Georgia Belle Court Norcross, GA 30093
    Hours of Operation M, T, W: 8AM – 5PM Th: 8:00AM – 7PM F: 8AM – 3PM
  • Lawrenceville Health Center 770 -339 –4283
    455 Grayson Hwy., #300 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 4283
    Hours of Operation M, W, & Th: 8AM – 5PMTu: 8AM– 7PM F: 8AM – 3PM
  • Preventive Health Center (TB) 770 -339 –4283
    455 Grayson Hwy., #300 Lawrenceville, GA 30046
    Hours of Operation M – F: 8AM – 5PM
  • Gwinnett Environmental Health 770 -339 –4283                                                                      455 Grayson Hwy., #300 Lawrenceville, GA 30046                                                                                Hours of Operation M – F: 8AM – 5PM
5.  약 처방 지원

Search engine that contains information on approximately 900 public

and private assistance programs that help

those with financial needs get access to their prescriptions.


6.  보건복지 협동조합
  • Cooperative Ministries by Zip Code Services: Rent, Utilities, Food, and Prescriptions
    • Duluth 30096, 30097: 770-623-9563
      M/W/F 10AM -2PM Call for Appt. Executive Director: Margy McLynn
      3395 Fox Street NW, Building 101              O. Box 1974
      Duluth, GA 30096
    • Lawrenceville 30043. 30044,30045,30046, 30019: 770-339-7887
      M 5-7PM and W/F 9AM – 12PM        Executive Director: Tom Balog
      52 Gwinnett Drive                                         O. Box 1328
      Lawrenceville, GA 30046e
    • Lilburn 30047. 30097, 30084 (Gwinnett Only): 770-931-8333
      M/W/F 10AM – 2PM Executive Director: Sharon Foster
      5329 Five Forks Trickum Road Lilburn, GA 30047
    • Norcross 30060, 30071, 30073, 30084, 30091, 30092, 30093: 770-263-8268
      M/W/F 10AM – 2PM, Tue. 6-8PM Sat. 10AM-12PM Executive Director: Shirley Cable
      2275 Mitchell Road                                                  O. Box 1489 (30091)
      Norcross, GA 30071
    • North Gwinnett 30024,30518,30519: 770-271-9793
      M 6-8PM, W/Th/F 10AM-2PM Executive Director: Kim Phillips
      Buford, Sugar Hill, Suwanee
      4395 Commerce Drive                                        O. Box 672 (30515)
      Buford, GA 30518
    • Southeast Gwinnett 30078, 30039, 30017,30052 (Gwinnett Only)
                     : 770-985-5229   M 3-7PM, W/F 10AM-2PM

<사라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활이였습니다>
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021022 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다.
ARK 김소영 | 2022.02.11 | Votes 0 | Views 389
ARK 김소영 2022.02.11 0 389
020322 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다.
ARK 김소영 | 2022.02.03 | Votes 0 | Views 448
ARK 김소영 2022.02.03 0 448
012722 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다.
ARK 김소영 | 2022.01.27 | Votes 0 | Views 571
ARK 김소영 2022.01.27 0 571
012022 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다
ARK 김소영 | 2022.01.20 | Votes 0 | Views 335
ARK 김소영 2022.01.20 0 335
010622 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다
ARK 김소영 | 2022.01.13 | Votes 0 | Views 475
ARK 김소영 2022.01.13 0 475
123021 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다
ARK 김소영 | 2021.12.30 | Votes 0 | Views 712
ARK 김소영 2021.12.30 0 712
122321 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다
ARK 김소영 | 2021.12.23 | Votes 0 | Views 882
ARK 김소영 2021.12.23 0 882
120821 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다
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ARK 김소영 2021.12.09 0 1234
120221 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다
ARK 김소영 | 2021.12.02 | Votes 0 | Views 1396
ARK 김소영 2021.12.02 0 1396
110421 <목요코너-세라박의 슬기로운 애틀랜타 생활> 방송내용입니다
ARK 김소영 | 2021.11.04 | Votes 0 | Views 1679
ARK 김소영 2021.11.04 0 1679